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Wood Duck
(Aix sponsa)
Fisher Meadows Recreation Area, Farmington River, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA. May 2023.
male/macho. Station 43, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. March 2021
pair/pareja. Station 43, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. March 2021
male/macho. Station 43, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. March 2021
(above) Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above, female/hembra) Forest Park, East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA January 2019
(above) macho/male, Yale-Meyers Forest, Ashford, Connecticut, USA, May 2014.
(above) macho/male, Yale-Meyers Forest, Ashford, Connecticut, USA, April 2014.
(above) Yale-Meyers Forest, Ashford, Connecticut, USA, April 2014.
(above) hembra/female, Yale-Meyers Forest, Ashford, Connecticut, USA, April 2014.
(above) macho/male, Yale-Meyers Forest, Ashford, Connecticut, USA, May 2014.
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