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Song Sparrow
(Melospiza melodia)
More recording info in Xeno-Canto
Kollar Wildlife Management Area, Tolland, Connecticut USA. June 2024.
Plymouth Beach, Plymouth County, Massachusetts USA. March 2024.
Avalonia-Knox Preserve, Stonington, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
(above) Horsebarn Hill, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Horsebarn Hill, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Horsebarn Hill, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA, December 2019.
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. May 2016
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. May 2016
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. May 2016
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. May 2016
(above) Willimantic River, Willington, Connecticut, USA, May 2012.
(above) Willimantic River, Willington, Connecticut, USA, May 2012.
(above) Cove Island Park, Stamford, Connecticut, USA. January 2015.
(above ssp. morphna) Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge, Sequim, Washington, USA. November 2016.
(above ssp. morphna) Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge, Sequim, Washington, USA. November 2016.
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