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(Seiurus aurocapilla)
More recording info in Xeno-Canto
Boston Hollow Road, Yale Forest, Union Connecticut USA. May 2024
(above) Whetten Woods, Mansfield, Connecticut, USA, May 2013.
(above) hembra en el nido/female on the nest, Trail Wood Sanctuary, Hampton, Connecticut, USA. May 2014.
(above) hembra en el nido/female on the nest, Natchaug State Forest, Eastford, Connecticut, USA. June 2014.
(above) pichones en el nido/ Cowbird chicks in the nest, Natchaug State Forest, Eastford, Connecticut, USA. June 2014. (1 or 2 days old)
(above) hembra en el nido/female on the nest, Natchaug State Forest, Eastford, Connecticut, USA. June 2014.
Cowbird chicks (Molothrus ater) in Ovenbird nest, 6 to 8 days old. Natchaug State Forest, Eastford, CT, USA. June 2014.
Cowbird chicks (Molothrus ater) in Ovenbird nest, 6 to 8 days old. Natchaug State Forest, Eastford, CT, USA. June 2014.
(above) Heron Cove Park, Tolland, Connecticut, USA, May 2012.
(above) Willington, Connecticut, USA. June 2013.
(above) Willington, Connecticut, USA. June 2013.
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