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Hooded Merganser
(Lophodytes cucullatus)
Quinebaug Valley State Trout Hatchery, Plainville, Connecticut USA. January 2925.
Bluff Point State Park, New London, Connecticut USA. January 2025.
Hockanum Linear Park, Vernon, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
Hockanum Linear Park, Vernon, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
Hockanum Linear Park, Vernon, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
Fenton Ruby Park, Willington, Connecticut USA. March 2024.
Fenton Ruby Park, Willington, Connecticut USA. March 2024.
Hammonasset Beach State Park, Connecticut. USA. December 2022.
(above) Broad Brook Mill Pond, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Broad Brook Mill Pond, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) Broad Brook Mill Pond, South Windsor, Connecticut, USA. October 2020.
(above) male/macho, Lake Whitney wetlands, Hamden, Connecticut, USA. February 2015.
(above) Lake Whitney wetlands, Hamden, Connecticut, USA. February 2015.
(above) Lake Whitney wetlands, Hamden, Connecticut, USA. February 2015.
(above) male/macho, Rocky Neck State Park, East Lyme, Connecticut, USA, March 2011.
(above) male/macho, Rocky Neck State Park, East Lyme, Connecticut, USA, March 2011.
(above) male/macho, Rocky Neck State Park, East Lyme, Connecticut, USA, March 2011.
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