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Common Tern,
n Golondrina
(Sterna hirundo)
(immature) Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison, Connecticut USA. August 2024.
(immature) Sandy Point, New Haven County, Connecticut, USA. September 2021.
(above) Great Gull Island, Suffolk County, New York, USA, June 2013.
(above) Great Gull Island, Suffolk County, New York, USA, June 2013.
(above) Great Gull Island, Suffolk County, New York, USA, June 2013.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Great Gull Island, New York, USA, June 2012.
(above) Walvis Bay, Erongo Region, NAMIBIA, October 2017
(above) Walvis Bay, Erongo Region, NAMIBIA, October 2017
(above) Walvis Bay, Erongo Region, NAMIBIA, October 2017
(above) Machias Seal Island, New Brunswick, CANADA or Maine, USA, June 2012
(above) Machias Seal Island, New Brunswick, CANADA or Maine, USA, June 2012
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