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Common Merganser
(Mergus merganser)
Eagle Landing State Park.Haddam Connecticut USA..January 2025.
Eagle Landing State Park.Haddam Connecticut USA..January 2025.
Eagle Landing State Park.Haddam Connecticut USA..January 2025.
Eagle Landing State Park.Haddam Connecticut USA..January 2025.
Hockanum Linear Park, Vernon, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
Hockanum Linear Park, Vernon, Connecticut USA. February 2024.
Fisher Meadows Recreation Area, Farmington River, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA. May 2023
(above) female/hembra, males/machos, Hamden, Connecticut, USA, March 2015.
(above) male/macho, Hamden, Connecticut, USA, March 2015.
(above) female/hembra, Hamden, Connecticut, USA, March 2015.
(above) male/macho, Hamden, Connecticut, USA, March 2015.
(above, female/hembra) Connecticut River at Enfield, Conn., USA. January 2015.
(above) Willimantic River at Eagleville, Mansfield, Connecticut, USA. September 2013
(above) female with three young, Coulter Bay, Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, August 2012.
(above, male/macho) Willimantic River at Eagleville, Mansfield, Connecticut, USA, April 2011
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