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Cape Sugarbird
(Promerops cafer)
More audio info at Xenocanto
Harold Porter Botanical Garden, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Harold Porter Botanical Garden, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Harold Porter Botanical Garden, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Harold Porter Botanical Garden, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Rooi Els, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Rooi Els, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Rooi Els, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Rooi Els, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
Rooi Els, Western Cape Province, SOUTH AFRICA. October 2017.
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