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American Goldfinch
(Spinus tristis)
Mansfield yard, "The Old Lady", Connecticut USA. February 2024.
(male/macho) Connecticut, USA. June 2021
(above) Quinebaug Valley Fish Hatchery, Connecticut, USA. September 2020.
(above) Quinebaug Valley Fish Hatchery, Connecticut, USA. September 2020.
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. January 2015.
(above) Roaring Brook Farm, Willington, Connecticut, USA. January 2015.
(above) macho/male, Fenton River Meadows, Storrs, Connecticut, USA, May 2011.
(above) male/macho, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA. June 2009.
(above) male/macho; Willington, Connecticut, USA, October 2012.
(above) female/hembra; Willington, Connecticut, USA, October 2012.
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